News: “Without farmers and fishermen, there is simply no food”

“Without farmers and fishermen, there is simply no food”

Words By Jenny jefferies

We are currently living in a modern epidemic of mass misinformation where many people are given a platform and a loudspeaker to shout loud about militant food groups, environmentalists and unstable government policies. There is not enough constructive discussion and too much unnecessary confrontation.

There are an awful lot of people making an awful lot of noise, and where our British food producers; especially our farmers and fishermen are bashed in mainstream media. I’m here to do the exact opposite.

The sharing of quality knowledge, experience and passion cannot be overestimated and education is paramount and of massive value to our society.

The main problem is that everyone thinks and presents themselves as ‘experts’ and ‘leaders’ when they actually know very little about everything. The human race is generally completely arrogant thinking that we have the answers to all the problems and that these can be solved via effete social media platforms and with public debates.

We are seeing it everywhere; people with polarised opposite opinions brought together in all subjects to create sensationalist propaganda, division and revenue. PMQ's, TV news stations, publications, organisations, social media… literally everywhere.

We just all need room to breathe, do more work and conduct more research.

I believe we all collectively and individually have a responsibility to communicate the stories of both the producer and the consumer. However, the consumer doesn’t always know what questions to ask. Whatever the farming method; be that conventional, organic, or regenerative, the farming story involves everyone - both the ag world and the general public, and together we can help combat this epidemic of mass misinformation. I think it is also up to both the agricultural and fishing industries to reach out.

I believe wholeheartedly that we, as a nation, need to support our British food producers now more than ever before and to ensure we educate and communicate to the general public the right information, especially about regenerative agriculture, and sustainable fishing, and not incomplete, sensationalist propaganda. This is so people can make informed decisions and choices that’s good and right for them.

I am so passionate about educating all generations and backgrounds about simply where our food comes from and the sharing of convenient and delicious recipes and heartfelt stories from the farmers and the fishermen themselves. This is so important because without them there is simply no food. Consumers want to know where their food comes from and love a good story.

It’s up to all of us to help share them in an accessible, informative and entertaining way, and thus, counteract the negative, false, and damaging celebrity bandwagons and ill-informed noise that can so often take higher precedence than scientific fact and the truth. To put it quite simply, stories can change us, and they can also change the world.

Please follow @jennyljefferies

For The Love Of The Land, For The Love Of The Sea and their sequels are available from all good book shops and


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